Red Pill -- Version History Version 1.0.7 (Aug 13, 2015) - [Fix] problem with selection image after application of adjustment filters fixed - [Fix] drawing issue of paint brush fixed Version 1.0.6 (Aug 22, 2014) - [New] 2x retina display mode Version 1.0.5 (May 16, 2011) - [New] live preview for type tool - [Fix] problem with first undo (when image opened by drag&drop on the app icon) fixed Version 1.0.4 (March 7, 2011) - [New] menu item 'Red Pill' > 'Purchase...' - [Chg] registration issues changed Version 1.0.3 (February 24, 2011) - [New] polygon lasso tool Version 1.0.2 (February 14, 2011) - [Fix] problem fixed: selection created with magic wand tool was one pixel too far down - [Fix] problem moving the selection using the arrow keys fixed Version 1.0.1 (October 2, 2010) - [New] added 'Delete' button in the 'Load Selection' dialog - [Chg] 'Unregistered' watermark scaled depending on image image size - [Chg] nag dialog already after 7 app launches Version 1.0 (October 24, 2010) - [New] more settings in the smart fill dialog, fast mode Version 1.0b5 (October 5, 2010) - [New] smart fill (= content-aware fill) - [Chg] 'Unregistered' watermark if not registered Version 1.0b4 (August 25, 2010) - [Fix] important redraw issue of the brush tool fixed Version 1.0b2 (August 2, 2010) - [Fix] bug fixed that caused the floating selection to flip after a paste command Version 1.0b1 (August 1, 2010) - [Fix] load/save selection command improved - [New] new batch processing command 'File' > 'Image Processor...' added